Sunday, 10 April 2011

Week Eight: 21/03/11 - 27/03/11

Decoration, or décor, for the event is an important consideration. One should view a venue as a blank canvas in which they can paint a masterpiece, or in other words the decoration at an event is there to facilitate an atmosphere and to influence the audience. This decoration whether internal, external, at the entrance, on the stage, or even on the bar will set the stage for the event and will affect how the audience feel at the event. This is why it is important to consider exactly what theme the event is and how the decoration will work with this theme (silvers, 2004).

The four main areas to consider for decoration by Julia,R Silvers (2004) are:

1. Walls – these can support murals, pictures, paintings to be showcased, or can be hidden with cloth tabs/backdrops. Also they can be painted to add an aesthetic for the event.
2. Ceilings – this area could be left blank. Other options available are filling it with balloons, painting a logo on it, attaching hangings, pinning up flags of pictures, using lighting projections, and covering with fabric.
3. Floors – the can be decorated with carpets of different fabrics, painted, dance floors, or be covered with coverings with logos or decorative effects.
4. Architectural – these are features such as windows, doors, frames, columns and other built-in features of the venue.

How does our event production consider these areas of decoration?

The walls themselves are going to be covered with black tabs as they are a plain white paint and would detract from the main areas. Also if lighting is present white will reflect light and cause difficulties with lighting effects. The ceiling is to be left bare as due to time and money constraints we will not be able to afford enough cloth to cover it. However some lighting effect may be able to give some colour to the ceiling. In terms of the floor area not much can be done again to time and money constraints but also due to health and safety implications; adding carpet will increase risks of tripping for audience members.

The architectural features present at the fruit venue are two structural columns, a coat room constructed of wood, and a bar. The bar area will not be decorated as this may cause complications in the bars service. The two structural columns will be decorated will magazine clippings from movie magazines which will fit in with the movie magazine theme. The coat room will be covered by some display boards which will be showing movie heads shots of the group. These head shots will be artistically done and will be similar in style with those done in movie magazines.


Silvers, J (2004) Professional Event Coordination. New Jersey, John Wiley and Sons Inc.

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